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Toward Government as a Platform: An Analysis Method for Public Sector Infrastructure

I'm excited to share that our research paper, co-authored with Peter Kuhn, Dian Balta, Florian Matthes, is presented this week at the WI 23 – 18. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatikin Padeborn, Germany.

📑 What is it about?

Our paper tackles the concept of Government as a Platform (#GaaP) and the complexities involved in transforming public sector infrastructure toward platform-oriented setups. Through a rigorous design science research methodology, we introduce a four-dimensional analysis method that helps in early phases of this transformation.

💡 Key Contributions:

1️⃣ Theoretical: Our findings suggest an extension of GaaP conceptualizations, emphasizing specific platform principles.

2️⃣ Practical: We provide an actionable analysis method to identify gaps and opportunities for improving existing infrastructures.

🔗 The full paper is available here

We look forward to engaging with both academics and practitioners and are keen to receive your feedback.


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